Sunday, August 5, 2012

Doing It Right . . . . 1001;89

Today's Goals:  (2 goals are about right per day, to get ONE done and ONE thought about.)

1. Order some REALLY GOOD shoes before school starts and I spend 8 hours a day on feet..
2. Move Massive Sofa to the Nether Regions towards the ongoing goal of eliminating visual and spatial clutter.  Which eliminates mental clutter by default.

1. Shoes (Then):  Not so long ago, I wore cheap shoes with abandon, and going barefoot was fun. 
Shoes (Now): looking forward to spending big bucks on luxury and comfort.  Deficient arches, hard wear, and random universe actions all seem to create potential foot pain. Must be dealt with, since feet take me places and can make life difficult for ankles, knees, hips, etc..
Lesson learned:  ageing body malfunctions sneak up on us, a little at a time.  By the time you notice them as more than an annoyance, they are usually right In Your Face.  When you feel twinges anywhere, keep an eye out for future problems. Feet are Important, don't mess with them, put them in comforting and supportive environments while there is Still Time.
What I do differently now:  Shoes with lower heel, more arch support, higher price tags. More red shoes. Splurge on comfort with good conscience.

2. Sofa (Then):  It's comfortable burgundy bulk has held down the living room floor and reputation for years, in good form.  It's a good sofa. The cats love to flop on its broad back.
Sofa (Now): No fault of Ms. Sofa, but I'm suffering from a deep need to move stuff around in my life.  Burgundy, cordouroy, massive, and "too much" spatial /visual stuff; Must Be Ousted.  The sofa's immediate future is to be suitably mated to TV, which lives in basement. 
Lesson learned: ousting stuff is exhausting.  Reminds me to Not Get Stuff to oust, i.e. live on minimal stuff already extant in household.  Note for other stuff to move or toss: floor sleeps just fine with single futon mattress. Watch out, Bed.
What I do differently now  Moving furniture requires more careful forethought, including removing doors/ rails/ sofa feet before moving.

Tomorrow's Goals:  Think up a couple more goals to check off before Summer ends and life changes into Fast-Paced and Filled Up.

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